Tips for the Maintenance of Kitchen Furniture

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Furniture maintenance is a recurring question among our clients. Melamine is a popular material when designing kitchen furniture due to its great attractiveness and durability., here are 6 tips that will help you with its maintenance.

The kitchen is the heart of the home, so we understand the importance of proper furniture maintenance to ensure it continues to look like new for many years to come.

In this post, we will share essential tips for maintaining your melamine kitchen cabinets and how to properly care for them.

furniture maintenance

1. Gentle and regular cleaning:

Regular cleaning is key to keeping kitchen furniture in optimal condition. Use a soft, clean cloth, preferably microfiber, to remove dust and crumbs. Avoid abrasive cleaning products or rough cloths that could scratch the melamine surface. To clean stains, use a cloth slightly dampened with warm water and a little mild detergent, followed by rinsing with a damp cloth and a dry cloth to prevent residue.

2. Maintenance of furniture in humidity

Melamine is water resistant, but it is important not to expose it to prolonged humidity, in cases where your furniture is exposed to humid weather Look for the best alternative in materials. Immediately clean up any liquid spills, especially in areas where joints meet, as moisture could affect the integrity of your furniture's edges. Use coasters and keep surfaces dry to prevent water damage.

3. Maintenance of furniture in the heat

Melamine furniture is sensitive to extreme heat. Avoid placing hot kitchen utensils directly on the surface of your furniture. Use hot pot and pan holders to protect melamine from heat damage.

maintenance of furniture hinges and sliding

4. Keep the hinges and slides in good condition

For good furniture maintenance, make sure the hinges and slides work correctly. Lubricate them from time to time with a suitable lubricant to ensure smooth operation. Well-maintained hinges and slides prevent doors from becoming loose or sticking.

5. Periodic inspection and repair

Perform regular inspections for any signs of wear, damage, or need for repair on your melamine furniture. Address any problems early to prevent them from getting worse.

6. Avoid cuts and scratches

Avoid cutting directly on the surface of melamine furniture, as this can leave permanent marks. Use cutting boards or protective surfaces when preparing food.

Keeping your melamine kitchen furniture in good condition is essential to preserve its appeal and functionality. With these tips, you can ensure that your furniture remains a beautiful, long-lasting addition to your kitchen.

Remember that proper maintenance not only prolongs the life of your furniture, but also ensures that it remains a valuable investment in your home. If you have any questions or need more guidance on maintaining your melamine kitchen cabinets, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you maintain the beauty and quality of your furniture.

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