Lighting ideas for kitchens

Modern Kitchens Cod 12225
With some good kitchen lighting ideas you can give it a unique personality. With simple changes, such as the direction of lighting, colors and intensities, you can completely transform the space.

From the beginning of history the light It has been and always will be one of the elements that has most amazed human beings. Light is related to an infinite number of concepts. Light is synonymous with wisdom, again, of what is good and what dazzles. As for decoration, light is more than putting spotlights on the ceiling. It's a basic element in it kitchen design If what you are looking for is to create specific environments in your spaces. With some good kitchen lighting ideas you can give it a Unique personality. With simple changes, such as the direction of lighting, colors and intensities, you can completely transform the space.

Lighting ideas for kitchens will help you decorate and create warm environments and we can even say that they will give the secret of flavor to your meals. But remember that there are different types of lights that you can use. It all depends on color, intensity and direction que quieras para tu espacio. Para hacer más sencillo este proyecto, aquí te presentamos unas cuantas ideas de iluminación para cocinas que serán tu guía. ¡Anímate y deslumbra a todos![ish_image image=»2412″ link_type=»custom» link_url=»||target:%20_blank|» align=»center»][ish_headline]

A starry ceiling

[/ish_headline]Who wouldn't like to have a starry sky in the kitchen? If you place luminous points, like stars, you will be able to achieve the effect. This style of lighting fits perfectly in kitchens with modern design. The best option is to use led lamps aligned in parallel that will give you broader illumination.[ish_image image=»2475″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

An illuminated island

[/ish_headline]In the kitchen the island is the center. It is the place where you can cook, snack and even eat. But if you don't have good lighting ideas, you won't be able to fully carry out all of these activities. Give the island the importance it has in the kitchen and what better way to do it than by lighting it. For this you can hang lamps on top or place under counter lights.[ish_image image=»2651″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

A more elegant and sophisticated style

[/ish_headline]To achieve a elegant style With lighting you only have to place a chandelier. Just like you see in the movies about kings and queens. If you put a chandelier in your kitchen, in addition to illuminating it, they will give it a sophisticated touch worthy of royalty.[ish_image image=»2655″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

Let's hang some lamps

[/ish_headline]Over the years, placing lamps attached to the ceiling has become obsolete. The new trend consists of recessed spotlights or place lamps that hang from the ceiling. Among the lighting ideas for kitchens, hanging lamps are perfect for kitchens with industrial designs.[ish_image image=»2626″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

Illuminate your countertops

[/ish_headline]To achieve perfect lighting on your countertops, you must place lights under your tall furniture. By placing these lights you will have a modern and sophisticated style in a matter of seconds. Play with the directions and colors of the lights to give your kitchen a magazine style.[ish_image image=»2558″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline] Helping you complete your projects

[/ish_headline]Which kitchen lighting ideas you choose will depend entirely on your tastes and personality. In many blogs you will see countless tips and options, but it's all up to you. Trust your tastes and if you ever need advice or advice to save when you decide to remodel toda tu cocina no dudes en escribirnos. Recuerda que la cocina es el punto de encuentro de la casa, por lo que debe ser funcional e increíble.[ish_button el_text=»¡Quiero iluminación para mi cocina!» url=»||target:%20_blank|» size=»medium» align=»center» color=»color13″]

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