Types of doors for your closet

Types of doors for your closet
There are several types of doors for your closet, however, choosing the right one for your space is a challenge. Always bet on versatility.

In the world of design, the versatility with which you decorate and design your spaces is the fundamental basis of functionality. There are several types of doors for your closet, however, choosing the right one for your space is a challenge. The options are endless depending on your space, your tastes and your lifestyle without hesitation. Nowadays we think about whether it is necessary to have a walk in closet to organize and create harmony, or on the contrary, a built-in closet is better for a minimalist and non-hoarding style. Today we bring you several options that you will like if you are looking for how to design your closet and you have no idea what doors you can place in the spaces.

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Common folding doors for closets


The most sought-after option is folding doors which open outwards. These are very common and generally cover each module, that is, if your taste is mainly oriented towards the traditional and you like each module to be visible, this is a good option. It is versatile and if you have space in front of your closet it is ideal. However, when placing them you have to take into account the opening axis you need and not place anything too close. In addition, if you are looking for a more minimalist design, it is important to know how to divide the modular units so that there are not so many doors in a single closet.

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Sliding doors


Sliding doors are those that move along a system of rails, one upper and one lower, to open and close. The interesting thing about this system is that not having so much space allows you to maintain a clean and functional design without having to leave an opening axis for your closet. Just like having large doors you get a clean and modern design. However, it is important to take into account that this type of doors only allow one side to be opened at a time, so regular use will probably cause discomfort.

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Folding doors


Nowadays the innovation in hardware is incredible, with doors you can hide whatever you want without having to have a considerable space. Folding doors are the intermediate solution for spaces. You don't need as much opening space as folding doors, but you also don't have as little opening axis as sliding doors. The opening size is only what each leaf measures since in an accordion system they are retracted. It is wonderful.

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Glass doors


If what you are looking for is an elegant design, we definitely recommend this type of doors. You can find them with a folding or sliding opening system. The advantage of these doors is that they allow us to better camouflage our closet or, on the contrary, show it with internal lighting and make it one more piece of decoration and fashion in our home. Of course, we recommend this type of doors if you like order and having your belongings as true relics, This is how you will achieve the closet of your dreams

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