Custom bathroom furniture

Custom bathroom furniture

Is a perfect bathroom possible: clean and tidy? The answer is yes. The key is to incorporate custom bathroom furniture. In this way we will ensure that the bathroom is practical and aesthetically balanced.


Custom bathroom furniture
Custom bathroom furniture


Organization in the bathroom: Custom bathroom furniture is the best solution


When it comes to optimizing the space in your bathroom, organization is essential. We usually leave the sink shelf full of beauty products, hair accessories and other grooming products that give a feeling of disarray.

We are going to introduce you below, a system of furniture and drawers that maximize storage capacity. Its internal divisions allow the use of the drawer to be distributed according to the needs of each person. Brushes, towels, makeup, creams, etc., all organized in their space, dedicated especially for them... Can you imagine? Go for it…


Types of furniture 


  • Sink cabinet 

Your favorite products always at hand with this sink cabinet! It is called that, because it is located under the sink. Its first drawer is U-shaped to save the drain space and gain both sides of the sink for storage. And of course, how can we not highlight the importance of the divisions that it has inside, since they are the infallible remedy against disorder.


Custom furniture for your bathroom: sink cabinet
Sink cabinet: U shape


The drawers that follow complete The circle of perfection to achieve a functional bathroom.


Custom furniture for your bathroom
Functional drawers


  • Custom bathroom furniture with high bottom drawers

These drawers will always be welcome. Thanks to its height, depth and divisions, it becomes essential for storing taller products. These photos that we present below are shown as example of perfumery and space to store towels.[ish_gallery images=”7352,7350″ gallery_type=”slideshow” use_captions=”image” columns=”2″ nav_align=”center”]

  • The practical hanging furniture

Along with the furniture that we have just seen, the other great solution to optimize space in the bathrooms is hanging furniture with a reduced depth and high storage capacity. Without a doubt, it contributes to improving the visual cleanliness of your bathroom. If you have a mirror, you will have achieved hidden storage behind it.


Hanging furniture
Hanging furniture


  • Under-sink cabinet

This is a design with drawers at the bottom and an open shelf in the central part. It is divided into two identical parts so that each member of the couple has their space. At one end it can be used for an extra drawer, getting the most functionality out of it.


Under-sink cabinet
Under-sink cabinet

More modern and functional options for custom bathroom furniture


And if you thought you saw it all, you're wrong. Punto Ec Kitchens brings you other previously unthinkable options for our bathroom:


  • Space Tower

A wardrobe that offers plenty of storage space. Saved items are accessed from all sides. Internal divisions establish a better overview.


space tower
Space Tower


  • space step

The space step or drawer-plinth will help the little ones reach the sink area without any problem. In addition, it will allow you to plan taller closets. But its functionality does not stop there. Best of all, it becomes an auxiliary drawer, in this space that is normally wasted.


Space Step
Space Step


I've made it difficult for you, haven't I?

After reading this blog, we are sure that you will feel that it is not an impossible mission to achieve that perfect bathroom that we so desire...

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