Tips for designing the closet

closet organization
The clothes, shoes and accessories that we choose to wear every morning are the expression of our personality and the tastes we have. It's because we will give you tips to design the closet because it is not something you should take lightly. You must keep in mind that your closet must be beautiful, but above all functional to keep your belongings always at hand.

The clothes, shoes and accessories that we choose to wear every morning are the expression of our personality and the tastes we have. It's because we will give you tips to design the closet because it is not something you should take lightly. You must keep in mind that your closet must be nice, but above all functional to keep your belongings always at hand.

One of the best options for closets They are the embedded ones. These types of closets provide a touch of style to the room where they are located, and you can customize them to your taste and needs. Another point in its favor is that you should not allocate a large space of the room to place it. Sometimes the depth of these closets may be small, but they will always allow you to store a wide variety of objects inside. If you are one of those people who votes for built-in closets, we invite you to read the following tips.[ish_headline]

1. Let your personality predominate

[/ish_headline]A little piece of our personality should be present in every corner of the house. When it comes to the design of a closet, this aspect must be even more present. This will help the style of the room is more pleasant in view.[ish_image image=»2219″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

2. A place for all your objects

[/ish_headline]Opting for closets with large storage spaces is one of the favorite ideas of those who have enough space in their rooms. On the other hand, those who have little space should remember that the secret is in the distribution of the spaces inside the closet. That is, shelves, drawers, shoe racks, etc.[ish_image image=»2217″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

3. Let your closet have double function

[/ish_headline]This means that you must take into account that your closet, apart from being a piece of furniture, has to be a room decoration. Make it look beautiful both outside and inside. You can combine colors, remember that these tips for designing the closet will always go hand in hand with your tastes.[ish_image image=»2215″ align=»center»][ish_headline]

4. A defined style is the best option

[/ish_headline]The combination of many styles for a single place is not always ideal when you are looking for a beautiful and functional design. We recommend that you think carefully about the style you want to give to your closet so that you can be clear about the rest of the components you need. In addition, having a closet with a defined style will help you give the decoration a well marked style throughout the room.[ish_image image=»2218″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

5. Let your priority be to be able to identify what is inside

[/ish_headline]A good way to make things more visible inside a closet is to put doors with semi transparent lenses. Not many will like this option, but that extra visibility will make things easier for you when searching for an item in the closet.[ish_image image=»2220″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ ish_headline]

6. Sliding doors is always easier and more practical

[/ish_headline]It is not enough to have a built-in closet to give style to your room. It is important to take into account certain tips to design the closet such as the doors. Yes, the doors! There is no point in having a beautiful design if it is not practical, this is why we suggest you place sliding doors that will be more functional and will not take up useful space.[ish_image image=»2216″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline] Helping you complete your projects

[/ish_headline]Cualquier estilo que decidas adoptar en tu closet, dependerá enteramente de tus gustos y tu personalidad. En muchos blogs podrás ver una infinidad de consejos para diseñar el closet, pero todo está en ti. Confía en tus gustos y si alguna vez necesitas uno que otro consejo no dudes en escribirnos. Recuerda que el closet es un lugar bastante importante dentro de la casa y sobre todo de ayuda para esas mañanas en las que estás de apuro.[ish_button el_text=»¡Quiero consejos para diseñar mi closet!» url=»||target:%20_blank|» size=»medium» align=»center» color=»color13″]

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