Durable Cabinets For Your Kitchen. How to achieve it?

durable cabinets

This is the big question, how to have durable cabinets in your kitchen?

The answer is not simple, and according to our experience, it depends on three factors that are linked to each other:

1. The characteristics of the material you use
2. The environment where you install them
3. The care you take of them

In addition to being beautiful, they must be functional, as we always repeat in our blogs: a modern and functional kitchen is achieved with the intelligent use of space.

When choosing, it is always important that the design is to your complete liking, since, for the time that you will invest daily in the kitchen, you must be completely satisfied with this space, considering that a kitchen should last us between 10 to 20 years, in average.


durable cabinets
durable cabinets


What material are durable cabinets made of?


All materials should be considered a good option, since it will depend on the use given to it and then the care given to it.
We mainly manufacture melamine furniture, whose boards can be of national origin or imported. Melamine is a very stable chemical compound or synthetic polymer with considerable resistance, which has the final color or texture on its sides thanks to a decorative sheet.

The color you can choose from this material will depend on the annual trends and the collections that the producers have in your country.

The advantages of working with this material are its water resistance, no need for additional finishes and the variety of designs.

It should be noted that it is not completely waterproof, its edges require edges or edges made of PVC, which prevent the interior of the board from being seen.

The kitchen gabinets Durable ones have several parts that must be considered when assembling them; frame, interior and fronts, considering that the interior part is usually made with white melamine and the fronts of drawers and doors with melamine of other colors to obtain the desired finish.

Another material considered for durable cabinets is MDF plywood, which has a laminated wood veneer placed transversely, it is a strong material, which has no danger of shrinking, like solid wood.

What is the ideal environment to install them?


We must keep in mind that the space where we are going to place our cabinets must be free of humidity, since this harms the material in the long term, reducing its resistance.
If it is a humid environment, by nature, there is a variation of melamine called RH, resistant to humidity, which is ideal for this type of climate.


durable cabinets
durable cabinets


What is the right way to care for kitchen cabinets?


There are a series of recommendations that go beyond the cleaning itself, but that will help avoid, in the long term, fingerprints, persistent moisture stains or discolored and dull areas on the furniture. Smoke, steam and humidity are great enemies, therefore, it is essential to always cook with the extractor hood in operation, and clean and dry the furniture as soon as any liquid is spilled on it; scouring pads or substances should never be used. aggressive such as bleaches, solvents, turpentine, ammonia, etc.


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