Functional kitchens

Functional kitchens

Today we want to discuss functional kitchens whose distribution and design will solve your working time. When designing your kitchen, the style you want to give it, whether modern, minimalist, or more contemporary and classic…, is as essential as the functionality it offers.

Functional kitchens
Functional kitchens


To make it functional, the furniture must be thought about your daily habits when preparing meals.

The increased time spent in the kitchen, one of our favorite places to share with the family, has been the key to finding functional solutions. Thus, every detail, such as lighting, furniture covering materials, decorative elements, etc., is essential to achieve the desired space. Everything must unite to create the perfect balance between aesthetics, function, and comfort.

Here are some suggestions to inspire you to achieve that functional and modern kitchen you deserve.


A dream render


This example corresponds to a rendering that would be possible if you wish. A sophisticated and modern kitchen, distributed in “L,” with excellent storage capacity both in the cooking and washing area and in the other room where only storage towers have been arranged.


Modern Kitchen Rendering
Modern Kitchen Rendering


High gloss kitchen


A kitchen characterized by the luminosity it provides to the space thanks to its high gloss furniture. This material offers a more colorful and stylized environment at the same time. The clarity and feeling of spaciousness provided by the high gloss are two very favorable circumstances to achieve a perfect result like this.


High gloss kitchen
High gloss kitchen


Kitchen with open shelves


When the kitchen is small, the right choice is the shelves, as they let you see the bottom of the wall and make the space more visually manageable. Of course, in this case, it is essential to maintain order and set an ideal distribution of products. For example, the containers can be of a single color or be placed according to size.


White Kitchen Shelves
White Kitchen Shelves


Small kitchen with maximum equipment


It is organized in "L" and takes advantage of every last centimeter without overloading the environment. As you can see, it includes everything you need in a small space with minimal visual impact. The white furniture integrates naturally into the kitchen's architecture, offering a balanced and functional atmosphere.


Small kitchen in pure white
Small kitchen in pure white


Kitchen design with open ceiling


This spectacular kitchen is characterized by its open ceiling and that minimalist style we love. The distribution is linear and open to the living room, marking the limit with this practical island that expands the workspace.


Functional kitchens with open ceiling
Functional kitchens with open ceiling

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