Importance of kitchens in Home Interior Design

home interior design

The interior design of homes has been affected by new circumstances, after the pandemic that we experienced and recently finished facing, has led us to reevaluate the importance of the kitchen in our homes and in our lives; For this reason, today more than ever it is essential to think about the materials and finishes that we choose for this space, as well as every detail of its functionality.


We spend a good deal of time cooking, cleaning, storing and preparing the food and utensils we use to eat.


“The kitchen had acquired enormous importance, and after the pandemic it will undoubtedly become the central space of the house, where most of the social interaction occurs,” says Natalia Heredia, founding partner of Interior 1, company dedicated to interior design.



home interior design
home interior design


In the interior design of modern houses, the increasing efficiency and silence of appliances has been substantially important, which has led to a change in kitchens, leading us to open and friendly spaces.

But it has been our habits that have consolidated these changes: eating at a kitchen counter is common, sitting at an island that serves as a dining room or as an extension of the work area; but also a place to meet and chat while having a drink or cooking.


What should we take into account in the kitchen when thinking about home interior design?


  • First of all, it is important to determine the number and type of appliances and plan their location in advance. The standard set includes: refrigerator, ceramic hob, oven, extractor hood. If you wish, you can add a dishwasher and washing machine, microwave and other appliances.
  • Secondly, decide on the material of the facades. The body of the modules is mostly melain in various shades, which is economical, but for facades there are many options. The most economical are considered MDF in the film. Plastic, glass, veneer and solid wood facade options are also popular.
  • Thirdly, the fundamental factor in creating a harmonious interior is the choice of color and size of the kitchen. The shade of the appliances should emphasize the style of the room, echo the rest of the furniture and accessories, and the dimensions of the kitchen furniture should be convenient for the hostess and the rest of the home.



modern kitchen
modern kitchen


The modern kitchen design helps it to be in line with what the people who live in a house require. Therefore, currently we can find breakfast bars, large islands or peninsulas right in the center of the room. These items are fantastic for doing a multitude of things, from cutting food for cooking to doing homework if you have students at home.

Regarding furniture, in the most current designs they are usually located based on what we need from the space. They are usually placed in a C, U or L shape, depending on what is most comfortable.

The fundamental thing in modern kitchen design is the distribution, since this is what allows the stay to maximize its benefits. Therefore, it is not only necessary to define how the furniture will be distributed, but also the different areas of the kitchen (cleaning, cooking area, pantry, storage...)


It is very important that, to give harmony, the furniture has simple lines, without overloading. For example, a good way to do this is not to use frames, or to use drawer opening systems such as a gola profile instead of handles.


There is no doubt, at this point, that home automation has come to stay in our lives. With the trend of having kitchens open to the living room, equipment is necessary that, for example, prevents kitchen odors from reaching the living room. For this reason, smart extractors are essential in the design of modern kitchens.[ish_divider]

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