Kitchen backsplash designs: the best materials

stainless steel backsplash
But have you spent some time thinking about kitchen backsplash designs and the best materials out there?

When you decide to make a remodeling in your kitchen It is normal that you first think about the material you are going to use for the counters, the furniture you want to put in, the appliances you need, the distribution that best suits you and the design you want to implement throughout the place. But, have you spent some time to think about the kitchen backsplash designs and the best materials what's up?

The backsplash is very important in the kitchen. The backsplash is ours ally when cleaning it is about. In addition, it is part of the elements that will give you that touch of style that you are looking for to renovate your kitchen.[ish_headline]

Material conditions

[/ish_headline]It is very important that the material you choose for kitchen backsplash designs is insulating, to be resistant to temperature changes, let it be easy to clean with any product and above all that it is an ally decorative to match the rest of your design.

The areas where kitchen backsplash designs are most necessary are the sink area and cooking area de los alimentos. Si el material que elijas es de buena calidad y de paso es económico, puedes extenderlo hasta los mesones y encimeras para mantener el equilibrio. Combina varios colores y formas y tendrás un resultado colorido y fresco en tu cocina.[ish_image image=»2412″ link_type=»custom» link_url=»||target:%20_blank|» align=»center»][ish_headline]

The always reliable tile

[/ish_headline]The tile It is one of the most common materials among kitchen backsplash designs. This material makes cleaning easier, especially those unbearable splashes of water, oil or even sauces. You can mix the material of the furniture and the colors of the rest of the kitchen to achieve an original design.[ish_image image=»2419″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

A variation of the traditional tile

[/ish_headline]The octagonal tile It is one of the most tiles economical in the market. It is easy to clean and there is a wide range of designs prints, colors and shapes that you can choose from. We recommend you opt for the tile in the shape of honeycomb which will give you an unusual, but beautiful finish.[ish_image image=»2418″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

Fun stoneware mosaic

[/ish_headline]The stoneware makes kitchen backsplash designs more resistant to impacts and scratches. You can choose a glossy finish to add spaciousness to your kitchen. But if you are looking for a more rustic style, you can combine it with wooden furniture.[ish_image image=»2421″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

imitation wood

[/ish_headline]The wood Being a natural material, it adds warmth to the spaces. If you place a wooden backsplash in your kitchen you will make it feel more comfortable. However, wood is little resistant to temperature changes such as humidity and heat. That is why we recommend that you opt for a imitation wood in laminates.[ish_image image=»2422″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

Surprise yourself with acrylic

[/ish_headline]You can place a acrylic panel that will give you color and freshness to the design. You can extend the material to the countertops and it will be easy to clean. You only need a wet cloth to remove the dirt. Is resistant to wear and scratches. Best of all, you'll have a variety of color and finish options to match your design.[ish_image image=»2417″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

Protect the wall with tempered glass

[/ish_headline]This option is not so economical, but it is really recommended. He tempered glass it is a material resistant to sudden changes in temperature. It is easy to clean and maintain over time. It is ideal if you have a delicate material on the wall that you want to protect and maintain. It will give you a result sober and delicate.[ish_image image=»2423″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

Stainless steel could not be missing

[/ish_headline]The stainless steel It is another of the most recommended materials for kitchen backsplash designs. It is a material resistant, although sometimes it can be sensitive to scratches. Cleaning is really easy. It will give you a touch clean and professional in the kitchen. It is normal for steel to be associated with industrial style, but if you combine materials and other elements you can achieve an original design.[ish_image image=»2420″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline] Helping you complete your projects

[/ish_headline]Whichever materials you choose for kitchen backsplash designs will depend entirely on your tastes and personality. In many blogs you will see countless tips and options, but it's all up to you. Trust your tastes and if you ever need advice or advice to save when you decide to remodel toda tu cocina no dudes en escribirnos. Recuerda que la cocina es el punto de encuentro de la casa, por lo que debe ser funcional e increíble.[ish_button el_text=»¡Quiero un backsplash para mi cocina!» url=»||target:%20_blank|» size=»medium» align=»center» color=»color13″]

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