Tips for kitchen furniture

country style kitchen
Do you need to change the furniture in your kitchen and don't know what type you should choose? Before you go to buy them, read the tips for kitchen furniture that we have for you. We don't want you to spend your money in vain or get frustrated trying.

You need change your kitchen furniture and you don't know what type you should choose? Before you go to buy them, read the tips for kitchen furniture that we have for you. We don't want you to spend your money in vain or get frustrated trying.[ish_headline]

Visualize what you are going to store in the furniture

[/ish_headline]First think about what you want to store inside the furniture storage space. Whether plates, utensils, pots, etc. Everything you need for your daily work in the kitchen. Among the tips for kitchen furniture it is essential know what you want to store to get a better idea of the furniture you need.[ish_image image=»2031″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

The perfect measurements

[/ish_headline]The base modules must have a depth of 60 cm. However, you can extend this measurement to gain counter space. On the other hand, tall furniture must have a depth of 35 cm. Unlike base furniture, in this case the measurement must be respected. A trick is to opt for furniture with internal or push handles. This gives an effect of continuity and spaciousness in the place.[ish_image image=»1930″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

The height of furniture influences your health

[/ish_headline]Avoid back pain using the appropriate furniture height. What are the measurements that the furniture should have? For low furniture it is advisable to respect between 70 to 80 cm. Take into account the height of the baseboards and the thickness of the countertop you are going to use. All of this should provide you with the comfort of your arms being at 90 degrees.[ish_image image=»2206″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

The drawers are your best allies

[/ish_headline]Apart from providing yourself with more storage space, you should take the following into account. Choose to use hardware that allows the drawer open completely. On the other hand, place organizing accessories inside the drawers. All this will make your life easier when looking for utensils, pots and more.[ish_image image=»1740″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

Choose pantries with removable baskets

[/ish_headline]Don't skimp on costs in this regard. Pantries with removable baskets are the best way to organize your kitchen and your food. This will help you know what you have, what works and what doesn't.[ish_image image=»2209″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

Think carefully about the style you want to give to your kitchen

[/ish_headline]Do you like country style? Then the solid wood fronts They are the best option for you. This will give you that rustic touch What are you looking for. But if you want to modernize it a little, look for light veneers with few grains.[ish_image image=»2211″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»]Are you more inclined towards the industrial style? Your favorite furniture should be laminates that have finishes similar to cement or concrete. And you can combine them with stainless steel fronts. With this style you don't need as much tall furniture. If you place wooden or metal shelves it will be perfect.[ish_image image=»1977″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»]Or are you one of the people who likes color everywhere? In this case, you can choose high gloss fronts and vinyls in which you have a greater variety of colors. This style will give you a finished modern and elegant. Eye! Don't go overboard with the color combination, remember that less is more.[ish_image image=»1886″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline] Helping you complete your projects


Whatever style you decide to adopt in your kitchen will depend entirely on your tastes and personality. In many blogs you will see countless tips for decorating your kitchen, but it's all up to you. Trust your tastes and if you ever need advice or advice, do not hesitate to write to us. Remember that the kitchen is the meeting point of the house and therefore it should reflect you and your family in every corner.

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