Kitchen furniture colors: Learn to combine them

kitchen wooden counter
Does it happen to you that you come home, enter your kitchen and love what you see? Without a doubt that is one of the best feelings you can have all day. But if for some reason it hasn't happened to you, and on the contrary you feel that something is missing from your kitchen. Do you look at the colors of kitchen furniture and feel that it does not represent

Does it happen to you that you come home, enter your kitchen and love what you see? Without a doubt that is one of the best feelings you can have all day. But if for some reason it has not happened to you, and on the contrary you feel like something is missing to your kitchen Do you look at the colors of kitchen furniture and feel that It doesn't represent your personality at all.? Well, here we will give you some options for a relaxed, luxurious style and the traditional one cannot be missed. do not stay with the desire to have the kitchen of your dreams and take note![ish_headline]

Combination 1: Wooden furniture with marble countertops

[/ish_headline]The marble It is a material that is commonly used in constructions, decorations and sculptures. It is a rock that is obtained from quarries found around the world, but it is mostly found in quarries in Asia and Europe. The process to obtain the final product is complex and meticulous. For this reason it is a luxurious, exclusive and not cheap natural product. If we mix this beautiful material with solid wood the result is simply incredible. It will give your kitchen a classic but elegant touch.[ish_image image=»2301″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

Combination 2: White furniture with black granite countertops

[/ish_headline]The granite It is a magnetic rock that, like marble, is extracted from quarries located around the world. But unlike marble, granite has a Wide variety of colors and designs to offer. It is much more versatile and combinable. Granite is one of the preferred materials to place on countertops because combines very well with all colors of kitchen furniture. Additionally, it will provide you with a completely modern style. It is recommended to use granite in bathrooms, floors, but without a doubt the best place is on kitchen counters.[ish_image image=»2300″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

Combination 3: Gray furniture with quartz countertops

[/ish_headline]If what you are looking for is resistance and durability he quartz It is your ideal material. The thickness and polish of this type of countertops will guarantee a permanent shine in your kitchen. Furthermore, its surface has an air of natural stone freshness giving you a clean design. As for the combination, quartz designs go very well with gray furniture that gives contrast.[ish_image image=»2299″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline]

Combination 4: Colored furniture with solid wood countertops

[/ish_headline]Would you like a kitchen that cozy and warm air? Well you must choose wooden counters. Although they are not so practical due to their low resistance, there is no denying that they look totally beautiful in the kitchen. If you decide on this material, make sure that the colors of the kitchen furniture are different from the countertops to give greater contrast and style.[ish_image image=»2298″ size=»theme-half» align=»center»][ish_headline] Helping you complete your projects

[/ish_headline]Any of the kitchen cabinet colors you decide to place in your home will depend entirely on your tastes and personality. In many blogs you will see countless tips and options, but it's all up to you. Trust your tastes and if you ever need some advice to choose the best combination of furniture and counters and by the way be able to save when you remodel no dudes en escribirnos. Recuerda que el baño es un lugar sumamente importante dentro de la casa, por lo que debe ser increíble![ish_button el_text=»¡Quiero mi diseño de muebles de cocina!» url=»||target:%20_blank|» size=»medium» align=»center» color=»color13″]

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