Type of handles for the kitchen

Type of straps
After choosing the furniture design and style that you will have in your kitchen, you cannot forget the way in which these furniture will be able to open. Details such as the handles must be chosen wisely to give that extra something to our kitchen and for this we have prepared the following information for you...

After choosing the furniture design and style that you will have in your kitchen, you cannot forget the way in which these furniture will be able to be opened; these small details will undoubtedly make a difference in this space. And in detail we refer to the “shooters” themselves that must be chosen wisely to give that extra something to our kitchen and for this we have prepared the following information for you.

Type of straps

Kitchen dimension.

If the kitchen is large, you can use mounted handles; otherwise, it is preferable to use handles integrated into the furniture so as not to hinder the circulation area.

Furniture design.

Use handles that are proportional to the size of the furniture. Do not choose them too large, on small furniture this will not look good.

Durability of the straps.

Although you think they are a small detail, a handle is the implement that will allow the useful life of the kitchen hardware, due to its constant handling and therefore the quality of these must be high so that wear is less.

Ease of cleaning.

The kitchen is an area that requires good cleaning daily. For this reason, it is recommended that the best choice of handles be simple in shape without recesses that, in most cases, make cleaning difficult.

Handle styles:

Rectangular handles.

These handles will go perfectly in a contemporary kitchen style. Placed horizontally it will give us a feeling of spaciousness. The simpler they are the better and if they are straight they will look modern. We will use the circular-looking handles for more conservative kitchens.

Opening profile.

This type of handles are camouflaged in the structure of the furniture and are designed for tall furniture. Regularly insert your fingers under the door to open it more easily and ergonomically.

Gola profile.

The gola profile is a system made of aluminum that gives a touch of modernity to a kitchen. This type of handle is hidden, allowing you to easily open and close drawers or doors. They are installed along the upper edge of the door or in front of the drawer, and they can even be placed vertically, generating horizontal and vertical lines typical of a modern design. In addition to choosing an appropriate gola profile, there are tips for kitchen furniture that will complement you with the idea you have in mind.

Push and pull system.

This system consists of a small button that goes inside the furniture in its structure that allows it to be opened with light pressure. It is important to take into account that this system can stain the furniture by leaving fingerprints. but they exist anti-fingerprint materials that can improve this problem.

Button handles.

This type of handles are appropriate for vintage or classic style kitchens, very delicate and sophisticated. You can find them in different colors. And they are perfect for tall furniture and pantries.

kitchen quote

Now all this information will help you define the type of handle that you will place in your kitchen. Do not hesitate to ask us any type of question, we are here to advise you and meet all your expectations.

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