Lighting in large closets

The lighting in your room is something strategic and will make a lot of difference. Lighting in large closets specifically will be vital to make the most of that extra storage space that, when combined with design, becomes a work of art. If you have a specific space to include a walk in closet, lighting will be your ally. The variety of lighting that can be included will take advantage of your closet space while being more functional when it comes to visualizing the spaces.

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Lighting in each module


If your walk in closet is located in a closed place where natural light is not an option, we bring you a very good option. You can illuminate each module separately so that no area is left without brightness. LED lights are ideal for this since it is subtle, practical and even energy efficient so as not to waste unnecessary light. Each shelf will be illuminated individually, a great advantage, especially for those at the back of the closet, nothing will be lost in this very important space.

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Specific lighting


If you want a unique and fashionable closet, you should add lighting elements that allow you to clearly see the pieces of clothing and accessories as you see in boutiques, where the colors and textures really stand out. Lighting in a closet should create an atmosphere that provides functionality, but it should also be adaptable. For this the solution is to use focused light, that is, strategic with small adjustable spotlights for the places where you have to get the most out of it.

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Lighting everywhere


Lighting the closet is easier than you thought, the idea is not to have a single central spotlight that illuminates the room, this would be a mistake, since you would be leaving areas in the dark. You must make sure you give light to the entire room equally, from the walls, the floors to inside the shelves. If you want to include a harmonious environment you must combine natural light with recessed light in your ceiling that forms a row of light and allows the entire space to be converted. In addition to the internal lighting of the furniture, which is really A plus for any space since you can keep it organized and clean.

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