Modern Kitchen Design – 5 Tips

modern green kitchen

It is time to leave the classic kitchens and consider a modern kitchen design. We know the importance of this space, it is the center of our home and our daily life, we start and end the day there, changing or remodeling it is a big decision and we are here as MILANI to help you in this process.

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We summarize the most important aspects in 5 valuable tips which we are sure will be useful to you:


1. Design modern kitchens with contrasting colors 


Modern kitchen design
Modern kitchen design

Try to use colors that generate contrast, for example: If my counter is light in color, I try to use dark-colored kitchen furniture. or vice versa, if my kitchen appliances are vibrantly colored, they generate harmony by contrasting with neutral colors or even white. This tip will give this area a great modern feel.


2. Correctly distribute the spaces


Creating the idea in your kitchen of being put together like a puzzle is achieved thanks to MODULARITY, dwhere each artifact and piece of furniture occupies a unique place. This trend is becoming popular and especially the modular ones that do not have handles. The furniture can vary between 50 and 90 centimeters deep so you can find the best location. You can also find series with various numbers of functionalities, according to your needs, or purchase only the furniture that you need to include in your kitchen, this is one of the great advantages, since they are tailored to your spaces.


3. Optimize space to the maximum


The time when kitchen corners were dead is over, now we have different types of accessories that allow us to take advantage of these spaces and even in small kitchens store a large number of items.

Milani modern kitchen design tip: Place the oven and microwave together and at a height where it is comfortable for you, in addition to allocating a preparation area next to the oven to have a place to rest the trays with hot food.


Do you want to know more about space distribution?
We recommend you read this blog about functional kitchens


4. Get modern lighting


One of the most important aspects in your kitchen is the lighting, whether natural or artificial, therefore, make sure that the elements that generate light within this space are modern or even futuristic. There are a large number of lighting options, recessed, pendant, warm or cold that will completely change the aesthetics of your kitchen.


5. Last but not least: Keep the classic to a minimum


Classify each element you have in your kitchen between classic or modern, and from these answers begins the change you want so much. Remember to buy kitchen appliances, utensils or furniture evaluating them within these two categories.

Sigue estos sencillos tips y prepárate para disfrutar de una cocina moderna muy pronto.[ish_button el_text=»Contáctanos a whatsapp» url=»» align=»center» color=»color13″ tooltip_color=»color13″][ish_divider]

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