Rustic and modern kitchen

Wood tones in rustic kitchen

Without a doubt, the minimalist style is one of the most chosen today, however, it is not for everyone's taste. A rustic and modern kitchen is the special option for different tastes in which warmth and calm prevail. Designers and experts have brought traditional rustic elements as an alternative that can bring warmth to the kitchen without losing that modern and special touch of these times. The modern rustic kitchen seems to be a place with two different concepts, but today, we can use furniture with straight and clean lines with rustic variants, providing the environment with warmth and comfort. Today we invite you to learn some characteristics about modern rustic kitchens that you will love.

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Wood tones everywhere


With this incredible style that adapts warmth, we want to achieve a homely and natural atmosphere, attracting the love of noble and subtle materials, combining modern and classic elements. In this fusion of styles, wood becomes the main protagonist, providing warmth and lasting for a long time. The most used wood tones are honey to dark earth-colored tones due to their ease in combining with other materials. Wood veneers are ideal for giving that wood look with natural grains.

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With or without straps?


The handles in this style become handles integrated into the furniture, that is, hidden from view. With this style we achieve a clean aesthetic and easy handling, in addition to providing a modern and unique style. It is also possible to combine furniture with integrated handles and furniture with exposed handles. There are several types of slides on the market that will make it easier to choose the best ones for your kitchen remodeling. The exposed handles are a design element that, in addition to giving it a more traditional look, can provide modernity if that is the objective.

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rustic elements


To complete a rustic look there are a variety of ideal elements to include in your kitchen. Starting with textures and materials  The flagship in this case is wicker or natural textures are ideal and do not require much treatment, as well as textiles. You can include lamps with these textures or baskets for specific items. The ideal is to consult with an expert to perfectly combine all the appropriate elements to obtain a modern and rustic kitchen at the same time.

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