Neat and clean closet or dressing room

Closet for shoes and purses.
It's time for you to know some tactics and tips to have an orderly closet or dressing room and...

We are aware that most people have the serious problem of clutter camouflaged inside the closet. When we open the doors of our furniture, the entire mountain of clothes or things that we have piled inside it begins to collapse. This disorder also prevents us from easily seeing everything we have. Let's not allow this to happen! It's time for you to know some tactics and tips to have a neat and clean closet or dressing room.
Don't forget that cleanliness goes hand in hand with order and a good lifestyle.

Tidy and clean closet
Neat and clean closet.

1. Put aside what you don't use.

You must be very realistic about the clothes you wear and what you don't wear. Practically this is one of the general problems of many people because it is somewhat difficult to get rid of what we no longer use, but it is time to throw away what is not necessary.

Clothing organization.
Clothing organization.

2. Everything has its place.

Create spaces where you know exactly what you put in them. You can organize your clothes by items, colors, shapes, etc. This way, when you need something, you will get it quickly without having to dismantle your entire closet. Get used to every time you wear a piece of clothing, it returns to its place.

Closet for shoes and purses.
Closet for shoes and purses.

3. Keep seasonal clothes.

Remove all clothes that are out of fashion, keep only what is in vogue. This way you will save space and be able to maintain order. Store the clothes that you have considered out of fashion somewhere that don't take up space and keep them for a certain period of time, in case they come back into fashion. If you realize that it is actually out of trend and you will not use it again, remove it from your closet.

Modern closet.
Modern closet.

4. Take advantage of spaces with organizers.

After you have removed the clothes you don't use and placed each item in its place, if you see that you have empty spaces, use them. In these spaces you can place baskets, baskets, boxes or additional accessories, both for the top of the closet or at the base of it. You can also install removable organizers, such as for ties, wallets and straps.

Removable tie holder.
Removable tie holder.

5. Use letterheads.

For smaller or more delicate things, you can use boxes or containers with letterheads that specify what each one contains. This will save you time and will help you remember where everything goes. You can also use transparent boxes to help the visibility of their content.

Baskets with labels.
Baskets with labels.

6. Add a scent that identifies your personality.

Aroma is essential in a space, it motivates, inspires and transmits peace. Add a scent to your closet this will keep your clothes scented.

7. Clean your closet weekly.

Once everything is organized, clean your closet inside and out with a damp cloth. You can use disinfectant dissolved in water. At the same time, you can use the vacuum cleaner for corners that are a little difficult to reach. Do this cleaning at least once a week. When you leave the house or when cleaning, leave the closet doors open to allow ventilation.

Dressing room design.
Dressing room design.

If you follow all these tips I assure you that you will be able to have a clean and orderly closet. But above all, make these tips a habit. In your daily life, apply everything you have read so that it soon becomes a habit and it becomes easy to achieve the result.

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