Quality in Kitchen Furniture: Durability and Hardware

kitchen furniture quality

When it comes to choosing kitchen furniture, quality is a fundamental factor to take into account. In this blog, we will explore the importance of quality in kitchen furniture, focusing on the average lifespan, the use cycles of hardware, the impact of climate and ambient humidity.


Kitchen furniture must be durable and able to withstand constant use, as well as the environmental conditions to which it will be exposed.



Average life of kitchen cabinets


  • One of the most important aspects of quality kitchen furniture is its durability. A well-built, high-quality kitchen cabinet should be able to stand the test of time and retain its appearance and functionality for many years. However, the average lifespan of kitchen cabinets can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of material used, the quality of construction and proper care and maintenance.


In general, kitchen cabinets made from high-quality materials, such as solid wood, high-quality melamine boards, tend to last longer than those made from cheaper materials, such as chipboard. Additionally, the quality of construction, including assembly techniques and finishes applied, can also influence the durability of the furniture.


Hardware use cycles


Another important aspect to consider is the use cycles of hardware, such as hinges, drawer slides and opening systems. These elements are subjected to constant and repetitive use, so it is crucial to choose high quality hardware that can withstand these cycles of use without premature wear.


  • Premium hardware is typically made from durable materials, such as stainless steel or strong alloys, and undergoes rigorous testing for strength and durability. By investing in quality hardware like Blum, you ensure smooth, reliable operation of your kitchen cabinets over time, avoiding issues like loosening hinges or sticking drawers.


Blum hardware, They have a guarantee of up to 20 years or 100,000 use cycles, which means that the furniture made at Milani Cocinas is made to last a lifetime.


Kitchen furniture
Kitchen furniture


Climate and humidity


The climate and humidity of the environment in which the kitchen is located can also have a significant impact on the quality of the furniture. Extreme temperature fluctuations and excessive humidity can affect the materials and structural integrity of kitchen cabinets.


  • In areas with high humidity, it is important to choose moisture-resistant materials, such as treated wood or medium-density fibreboard (MDP) with water-resistant finishes, RH, as they are known in the market. In addition, it is advisable to use hardware and finishes that are also resistant to corrosion caused by humidity.


Regarding temperature fluctuations, it is important to avoid direct exposure to intense heat sources, such as ovens or stoves, as this can damage the finishes and affect the integrity of the furniture. In addition, it is advisable to maintain adequate ventilation in the kitchen to avoid the accumulation of humidity in the environment, which can contribute to the deterioration of the furniture over time.


quality furniture
quality furniture


Choose the best quality in kitchen furniture!


  • Quality in kitchen furniture is essential to guarantee its durability and operation over time. Considering the average life of the furniture, the use cycles of the hardware and the impact of climate and humidity are essential aspects when selecting the appropriate furniture for the kitchen.


  • Opting for high-quality materials, such as solid wood, high-resistance melamine board or stainless steel, along with a solid construction, will ensure that the kitchen cabinets are able to withstand constant use and retain their appearance and functionality for many years. years. Additionally, choosing durable, sturdy hardware will allow for smooth, reliable operation of the furniture over time.


  • Likewise, considering the climate and humidity of the environment in the kitchen is essential to prevent damage caused by adverse conditions. Using moisture-resistant materials and finishes, as well as avoiding direct exposure to sources of intense heat, will help maintain the quality and appearance of kitchen furniture over time.


kitchen furniture quality
kitchen furniture quality


In summary, investing in high-quality kitchen furniture and considering factors such as the average lifespan, the use cycles of the hardware and the environment in which they are located, will allow you to enjoy a functional and aesthetically attractive kitchen for many years, providing comfort. and satisfaction at home.

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