How to remove grease from your kitchen furniture in 3 steps?

cleaning kitchen
It's very unpleasant to put your hand on kitchen cabinets and feel like they're greasy, right? You probably think that the best option is to use products full of chemicals to remove it, however, we all know that they cause a negative impact on the environment and are harmful to health. Below we will give you a list of tips based on very useful natural products to remove grease from your kitchen furniture in just 3 steps.


Have you wondered how to remove grease from your kitchen furniture easily?

[/ish_headline][ish_divider]On many occasions it happens that when you are cooking, the oil splashes and stains, leaving all the furniture dirty and full of grease. Cooking at home can be very entertaining and fun for many people, in my case, I love it try different recipes and I find it pleasant to do it as a family. However, when you finish and it is time to collect everything to leave it in order, you realize that there is a lot of grease impregnated on the kitchen, the countertops, the walls, the hood, etc. and it is not an easy task to clean it.[ish_image image=»2063″ align=»center»]It is very unpleasant to run your hand on the kitchen furniture and feel that it is greasy, right? You probably think that the best option is to use products full of chemicals to remove it, however, we all know that they cause a negative impact on the environment and are harmful to health.

Below we will give you a list of tips based on very useful natural products to remove grease from your kitchen furniture in just 3 steps.[ish_image image=»2077″ align=»center»][ish_headline]

What you will need will be:

[/ish_headline]- A small container
- Vegetable oil
- Sodium bicarbonate
– Small brush (can be toothbrush)
– Rag or sponge[ish_headline]

Follow these 3 steps:

[/ish_headline]1. Pour the vegetable oil with baking soda into a container and mix them (the amount you consider necessary), forming a type of paste. Baking soda has an abrasive effect that helps a lot to remove grease stuck to furniture.

2. Use the brush to apply this paste and start scrubbing until you see that the grease begins to come out little by little.

3. Finely wipe everything with the cloth or sponge (it can be damp) until the grease is completely removed. It is important that the cloth is completely clean; Rinse it constantly in warm water. If you use a dirty cloth, what you will do is spread the grease more and the results will not be favorable.[ish_image image=»2087″ align=»center»]You will see that you will easily be able to leave your kitchen very clean in such a way simple!

Estos pasos los puedes seguir no solamente con los muebles de tu cocina, si no con los de tus baños o closets también. Evitarás continuar utilizando productos llenos de químicos y ahorrarás bastante dinero. Despega hoy mismo toda esa grasa de tu cocina y ¡déjala radiante! ¿Qué te parece? Si sabes de algún otro secreto o tip casero por favor me cuentas.[ish_button el_text=»¡Quiero cotizar mi cocina hoy!» url=»||target:%20_blank|» size=»medium» align=»center» color=»color13″]

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