The work triangle in the kitchen

Ergonomic kitchen muscle health
Achieving the perfect balance between an avant-garde and functional kitchen design is not an easy task, especially when you think about building a nerve center for lovers of the culinary arts such as the work triangle...


How to make it functional and modern?

[/ish_headline][ish_divider][ish_image image=»1678″ align=»center»]Achieve the perfect balance Between an avant-garde and functional kitchen design is not an easy task, especially when you think about the construction of a neuralgic place for lovers of the culinary arts such as the work triangle.

This is the kitchen area where an imaginary triangle is formed, which connects the three most important stations: the storage, washing and cooking area of food.

Know the essential parameters when remodeling your kitchen so that you achieve the comfort you are looking for.[ish_headline]

1. The perfect dimensions

[/ish_headline][ish_divider]Specifying the correct dimensions is key to creating your kitchen from scratch or remodeling it. For this reason, the distance between the three sides of the work triangle must measure between 1.3 and 2.8 meters. This measure will guarantee a comfortable space.

Another important aspect is the sum of the distances of the working triangle, which generally ranges between 4 and 8 meters. Additionally, it would be a mistake to place any piece of furniture that hinders traffic in the area. In fact, the triangle space should be part of the free movement area in the home.

If the kitchen has a linear layout and there is no triangle to work with, it is best to locate the sink, or cleaning station, in the middle, exactly between the storage area and the cooking area. This way you achieve greater spatial balance.

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2. Apply ergonomics in your kitchen

[/ish_headline][ish_divider]In addition to taking care of the dimensions in the kitchen work triangle, it is also relevant to place completely ergonomic pieces of furniture that comply with international standards, that is, avoid placing countertops, doors or cabinets that be uncomfortable.

Another vital point is lighting. A window inside the kitchen will bring warmth to the home and lighting at strategic points will improve the functionality of your kitchen.

3. Types of working triangles

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online cooking

[/ish_headline]This type of distribution prevents us from forming a working triangle, but if the kitchen is small it is a good option. In this case the areas of the triangle are in line, so you must ensure that the washing area is in the middle for better distribution. The other two storage and cooling areas will be located depending on whether you are left or right-handed.[ish_divider][ish_image image=»2894″][ish_headline]

L-shaped kitchen

[/ish_headline]Do you want take advantage of a corner? The L-shaped kitchen is the solution. It will allow you to place a small island or table where you can work or eat. Although it allows you to take advantage of the space, it is not recommended if there will be more than two people in the kitchen.

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U-shaped kitchen

[/ish_headline]Without a doubt, this is the best way in which you can distribute your kitchen. This type of cooking will allow you to take advantage of all the benefits of good ergonomics. You will make the most of the space and have a wide variety of storage options. Remember that you should not abuse the measurements.[ish_divider][ish_image image=»2895″][ish_headline]

Parallel cooking

[/ish_headline]Yes your kitchen is small This is another option that will work very well. You can place the cooking and storage areas facing each other, which will make your work easier on several occasions. However, with this type of kitchen layout it is very likely that chaos will form when there are several people in the same place.[ish_headline]

See a clear example of what the perfect layout of your kitchen should be like.


Remodel with the experts

[/ish_headline][ish_divider]Avant-garde designs that adapt to the functionality you need, that is what we offer at We have the best experts in remodeling, design and architecture of the kitchen, bathrooms and closets in Quito and throughout Ecuador.

We have great payment facilities and the advice and attention you deserve., calidad, funcionalidad y buen gusto[ish_divider][ish_button el_text=»¡Quiero una cocina bien distribuida!» url=»||target:%20_blank|» size=»big» align=»center» color=»color13″][ish_divider]

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