Drawer Materials for Wardrobes

wardrobe drawers

Closet drawers are an excellent solution for organizing clothes and accessories inside the closet. In this blog, we will focus on the importance of choosing quality melamine boards and rails to ensure the durability and strength of the chest of drawers.

There are various material and hardware options on the market that allow you to customize and adapt the chest of drawers according to the user's needs.

Melamine is a material obtained by pressing a printed decorative layer onto a high-density wood particle board. This technique allows you to obtain a resistant, durable finish with an aesthetic finish that imitates natural wood or other materials such as marble or metal. Besides, melamine is a very versatile material which adapts to different designs, shapes and sizes, making it an excellent option for manufacturing cabinet drawers.

wardrobe drawers
wardrobe drawers

Factors you have to consider:

The quality of melamine will largely depend on the quality of the particle board used as a base. Therefore, it is important to choose high-density wood particle boards, which have good resistance to moisture and impact. In this way, the durability and resistance of the chest of drawers will be guaranteed.

In addition to the quality of the melamine, it is important to choose quality hardware for the manufacture of the drawer units. The hardware is the elements that allow the drawers to slide smoothly and without friction, which facilitates their use and prolongs their useful life.

Among the best hardware options for drawers are the Blum brand rails.

Blum is an Austrian company leader in the manufacture of furniture hardware, which has a wide variety of products for the manufacture of drawers for cabinets.

Blum brand rails are characterized by their high quality, resistance and durability. They are made of high-quality materials, such as steel and engineering plastic, which ensure long life and smooth, silent drawer sliding. In addition, they have an integrated cushioning system that prevents shocks and sudden closing of the drawers, which protects them from possible damage and prolongs their useful life.

Another important aspect of Blum rails is their warranty. These rails have a guarantee of up to 20 years, which demonstrates the brand's confidence in the quality and durability of its products. This is an additional guarantee for the user, who can be sure that their chest of drawers will be protected for many years.

Advantages of wardrobe drawers

Wardrobe drawers are an excellent solution for organize clothes and accessories inside the closet. To ensure the durability and strength of the chest of drawers, it is important to choose high-quality melamine boards and quality hardware, such as Blum rails. By choosing these quality components for the manufacture of the drawer units, a high-quality product is guaranteed that will meet the user's expectations and provide an excellent user experience.

It is important to highlight that the choice of quality materials and hardware not only affects the durability and resistance of the chest of drawers, but also its aesthetics and functionality. A well-designed chest of drawers, with quality materials and smooth, silent hardware, is not only resistant and durable, but also practical and aesthetic.

This allows the user to have a pleasant and comfortable experience when using their chest of drawers, and for it to integrate perfectly into the design and style of their closet.

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